These lists that you’ll see throughout this website are really more for me than anything else. Both memory and gratitude list, it serves as a stripped down record of the highlights of a year or a place that I’ve been to. I find that life can be big, the days can contain so much and I so hate it when I forget those moments that over the course of a lifetime end up shaping my soul and life experience.
So I recognize that sometimes these lists might not hold as much meaning for you, the reader, as they do for me. That’s ok. I appreciate you perusing them anyway.
If anything it’s a reminder that a life, a month, a year is made up of all the small moments that when brought together create a very big life.
Idyllwild, California
Whittier, California
Association of Writers and Writing Programs Conference 2016
Tantra Sangha
Maui – goodbye for now
New Mexico
Austin, Texas
BlogHer Food 2016
Going through and clearing out all of my mothers possessions (A life time of memories)
Selling off 75% of our possessions
Writing Food Practice Through The Seasons
Cuba, twice
Thanksgiving with Jon and my brother in Idyllwild
International Diners Club
New Years with Jon and Karim
Finalizing that LLC I’ve been dreaming about
Bali, Indonesia
Getting accepted into and start the Psychology of Eating program
Reconnecting with family in Cuba
Falling in love with my brother, for the first time
Dia De Los Muertos
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